B1. Social Science Research Methodology
B2. International Law and Territorial Disputes
B3. Global Environment and Sustainable Development
B4. Economic Development and Poverty Eradication
B5. Global Health Policy and Disease Control
B6. Safety of Genetically Modified Organism
B7. International Trade and Globalization
B1 Social Science Research Methodology
B1 Social Science Research Methodology
Effective learning requires that you as students gather the relevant information to increase your knowledge on a topic, but it also requires that you have sufficient analytical faculties to decipher and evaluate that information once collected. In the digital age, information is available in an instant and the volume of material is often overwhelming. To sort through all that is available, it is important that you understand the basics and intricacies of research and are able to prioritize and separate information and sources.
ATLAS Concentrations
B1 Social Science Research Methodology
B2 International Law and Territorial Disputes
B3 Global Environment and Sustainable Development
B4 Economic Development and Poverty Eradication
B5 Global Health Policy and Disease Control
B6 Safety of Genetically Modified Organism
B7 International Trade and Globalization
After honing research skills, it is critical to develop expertise in few specified fields and to construct arguments based on the products of your research. The first section of B will teach you the necessary research skills, while the second will focus on one elective topic.
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