since 2012

Prepare for the GMAT Exam

Preparing for the GMAT exam has never been easier. Start with a plan, execute it, and you’ll be ready for test day.

Earn the score you want by starting early. Begin with our step-by-step guide on preparing for the GMAT exam. Access our free GMAT® Official Starter Kit + Practice Exams 1 & 2 and practice with real GMAT questions from past exams.

Preparing for and doing well on the GMAT exam lets you show schools that you have what it takes to succeed in the business school classroom. You can do it, but you’ll need to prepare by creating a solid study plan, selecting the right prep materials, and knowing what to expect before, during, and after your test day. Our GMAT Test Preparation uses books and resources from Official Database as much material as possible to help the student succeed.

We focus on a skills based tutoring program that seek to improve the student’s specific skills so that they will not only improve on the test, but also in his or her future academic career. Specifically we focus on the following areas:

-Analytical Writing Assessment: The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) measures your ability to think critically and to communicate your ideas. During the AWA, you are asked to analyze the reasoning behind a given argument and write a critique of that argument.

-Integrated Reasoning: The Integrated Reasoning section measures your ability to evaluate information presented in multiple formats from multiple sources – skills you need to succeed in our technologically advanced, data-driven world.

-Quantitative: The Quantitative section measures your ability to analyze data and draw conclusions using reasoning skills. The mathematics needed to understand and solve the questions in this section of the GMAT exam is no greater than what is generally taught in secondary school classes.

-Verbal: The GMAT exam showcases all of your skills – not just math. The Verbal section measures your ability to read and understand written material, to evaluate arguments, and to correct written material to conform to standard written English.

You have questions about the GMAT exam? We have answers. From tried-and-true test-taking strategies to advice from students who have successfully taken the exam, we have you covered.

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The Summer 2018 Course Schedule is Now Posted!!!

Registration is OPEN!!!

Click Register Today! to access the Demosphere Online Registration system and log-in. Be sure to update your contact information, phone numbers, and email address, if needed.

If you are a new user, you can create a Zoom login with your email or login with Facebook or Google+.

Please open it with your computer browser; click on a course name below to read more. GREEN icons show available, while RED icons in the title indicate filled, PINK icons show offers for VIP personalization options.

Visible Per 2 Weeks:    Jul 7/10 Jul 7/24 Aug 8/7 Aug 8/21

The most effective way to prep: personalized one-on-one sessions with your custom-matched tutor.

Our tutors represent an elite group of educators: only 9% of applicants are invited to train with us, and only 4% of applicants become tutors. All of our tutors scored in the 99th percentile on current tests, and many of them were valedictorians, National Merit Finalists, and Ivy League are admitted.

Flexible Hourly on Your Own Time

  • 10~20 hours --------- ¥1000/h
  • 20~40 hours --------- ¥800/h
  • 40~60 hours --------- ¥700/h
  • 60 hours and more -- ¥600/h

Please note: Schedule is subject to change without notice. Please check online for updated information and details.